Friday, April 23, 2010

Orphanage in India

Three of Aim Abroad's volunteers went to an orphanage in a rural part of Delhi NCR. The orphanage is for girls, ages 5-18. Inside the orphanage, there is a temple where there are daily morning and evening prayers, when the children and women running the program sing, pray, and play musical instruments for the Bhajans and Poojas (Hindu hymns and worship ceremonies). Every day the children focus on their studies and help with chores for the orphanage. Particularly interesting to the volunteers, the orphanage has its own garden area where they grow their own produce, so they do not have to depend on funding or outside donations for feeding the children. Also, there is a playground area in the orphanage, and sometimes I bring my children when I visit and they play with the children at the orphanage! All of the volunteers who visit this orphanage usually have a wonderful and interesting experience, and are always welcomed as part of the family!

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